... by this young man. Great Nana with I think no 16 great grandchild who was due on Jan 9th but arrived last weds. I had made his quilt( having bought the pattern before he was a twinkle in his parents eyes... nothing like being organised!) and all I had to do was quilt it. We babysat DGS last week so my plan was to quilt it this week.....

...after a frantic 3 or so hours on Saturday , it's done. Finished the binding on Sunday at 11 a.m and handed it over to the proud parents at 5.00 p.m. Pretty happy with the job I did on the quilting.

Some butterflies as I like to put them into as many quilts as possible. I did manage a two minute cuddle of the 7lb 3 oz bundle of joy before we left him in the adoring arms of his auntie ( the bride from last post) and his grandparents.

These are the Dec Dear Jane blocks. Most have some cream fabric, from a friend of mine who is no longer with us so that is making this a bit special.
A quick special thanks to Michelle too for my gingerbread house decoration. It will make it to the tree when I get that set up... very slack here. Thanks too, to Shez for my beautiful butterfly. I love both of these decorations.