(TR) James Joseph Freyne, was reported as missing in action on 3rd May 1917 and was officially deemed to have died on 3rd May 1917 aged 21 yrs. I love this one I am just a purple gal!
( BL) Joseph Crawley Maree has written that she likes to think he was a bit of a lad as he was charged with being drunk on active service and breaking away from his escort.In Dec 1918 he went AWOL while on leave in UK, a court of enquiry declared he was missing in Jan 1919. He obviously reappeared as he was admitted to hospital with influenza which caused his death on 12th Feb 1919. a bit wishy washy this block but....
(BR )Frank Chalmers was killed in action when he was 31 yrs old.
The more I hear of these brave young men the more I loathe war. It is just a senseless waste of young lives and although they are long dead my heart goes out to the mother's, father's, wives and other relatives that lost these young men. Unfortunately we have other "wars" that cause the loss of young lives nowadays and that breaks my heart.
My prayers are with my sister-in-law (and niece) as they hope for a good outcome from an accident that has put her son-in-law (and husband) in ICU. If you are that way inclined please add your prayers to mine for Reece.