Thursday, January 2, 2014

63 buttons later

 Today I have been sewing buttons on these blocks and so 63 buttons later...the school house complete with cat...
 the florist shop... those roses were a pain but they look good...
 my centre block which I changed and if you look closely you can see some of my attempted free motion quilting. I am actually really happy with it. Progress is being made...
 .. and why this happens with my camera I do not know. Red Brolly pattern for the tea house. Again the cup cake buttons were a bit hard to sew on.. (turn the computer on it's head!)

This is the 2011 BOM from Homespun that I started and was going to finish for DD2's friend. I have made her sister and brother a quilt for their 21st birthdays so I guess L is expecting one. Thought I'd be clever and do it for her 19th birthday (in 2012) then I thought well I could do it for her 20th birthday (in 2013). As can be seen it WILL be done by her 21st in April 2014. I have made it using the modular quilting method that I learnt in "Mocha"quilt by Deb Layt. Very clever and so much easier to quilt.

The original quilt I think was donated to Starlight Foundation or raised money for Starlight and as DD2 and DS1 both got wished through Starlight I had to make it. I am aiming to have it sewn together and bound by the end of January and then I can start quilts for the twins that our niece is expecting
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  1. your blocks look great and the fancy quilting is coming along beautifully!
    What a lucky recipient of this quilt.

  2. Well done Liz. OMG all those buttons. I bet you had fun

  3. Well done Liz, the quilting and buttons set the quilt off beautifully.
