Last Saturday some friends got together to sew some wonky log cabin blocks. It's really like a stack and whack so I got completely bamboozled but after a few mis starts I got 36 blocks done and sewn together. Each of the borders is a different blue and they go round so in keeping with the log cabin effect. Found out that a friend who has checked up on me for the last 7 years is having a significant birthday on Friday so if I can get it quilted she will get it. All those seams give me the heeby jeebies though.

Succumbed to another BOM, Ice Cream Soda, by Tales of Cloth ( Jodi Godfrey) and released via Ava and Neve in Qld.I just get the papers every month for 9 months and am using my stash. Ava and Neve do Liberty prints but I need to "rationalise" my fabrics as my DH says!

This is a baby quilt, from a panel with added bits, that will be going to my best buddy's grandie in Sept. She's going to be away when bub arrives so I am allowed to be" nana" for a little while.Again just need to quilt this! Think I need to retire so I can get all these quilts done.