On Weds this parcel arrived ... I lasted a couple of hours before it became....

...This. I did resist further temptation by putting it out of sight so that this morning Valentine's day I could open what Deb Walters from NZ had sent me in the swap organised by Cheryll.

This is what was in there... a sewing folder for a project being worked on, a tin with some ric rac and needles in there, some tissues(always handy), a heart shaped notepad and a Marg Low pattern with a skein of cotton hiding in the packing. Wow.. spoilt and I love all the goodies,

But wait there's more! A table runner with Home is where the heart is embroidered on it and lots of hearts. Thanks so much Deb very happy with all my gifts. Thanks to Cheryll for organising the swap.

Friday 13th saw me at a Kilmore Quilters sit and sew day. I wanted to use the bias maker so I could get all the cover strips done for the Quilt as you go. Done and soooo easy. One strip has it's small covers done. After that I finished off the flowers on this block and did two big flowers on the next block. I am loving the way this little quilt is turning out.
This may say that I posted this yesterday but it really is Valentine's Day here so I hope you all told those near and dear to you how much you love them. DS2 got flowers for his GF ... so romantic at his age! Gotta love him.