Some AHHH's finished. I have 6 more to do and another 6 in the mail coming soon. So far behind it's not funny.Think this will take me to about 100 so I am about to call it a day and start putting them together.

These are for the trade table at Kilmore Quilter's show on 12th and 13th Oct. They are made from a pack that a friend sent me . Thanks K. Come along to the show for lots of great quilts, yummy food and of course the trade table and more traders.

This is a bag I made for the mother of a German exchange student that we have had staying with us for the past 3 months. I got the pattern from a swap partner in QBSA and I added two buttons so that even when full it can be closed.The lining is made up of the left overs from....

This quilt which is now in Germany with Jule as her 17th birthday gift. She had her birthday while she was with us so what better gift than a quilt! This is the front, ably quilted by Leanne with a gum leaf pattern.....

and this is the back and Jule peaking over the top.